Dr. David Langemo is the founder and president of Long Meadow Leadership, a nonprofit dedicated to providing leadership training throughout the Minneapolis area. He talked to our club about his experience researching destructive leadership, a leadership style characterized by consistent abusive and authoritative tendencies. He received his Doctor of Business Administration degree with a focus on leadership by researching the effects of destructive leadership, especially in the nonprofit sector. Through interviews, he gained insight into the effects of destructive leadership and how it can harm a business as a whole. He also mentioned that he is conducting new research by interviewing young children about their views and opinions on leadership and what makes a good leader. In his time with us, Dr. Langemo emphasized the importance of recognizing this leadership approach and working to cut it off by interfering with it whenever we witness it happening. There are solutions to getting these types of leaders out of their positions, but it takes a lot of effort among greater organizations to recognize who these leaders are and that what they are doing is not okay. Read more about Dr. David Langemo and his work at longmeadowleadership.com.