Who We Are

The Eden Prairie Noon Rotary Club is a group of committed, community-minded individuals who are interested in making a difference in our local community and in communities throughout the world.  

Founded in March, 2003, the Club has grown steadily throughout its history and now consists of professionals, practitioners, and retired individuals from many walks of life who have diverse backgrounds and broad interests.

The Eden Prairie Noon Rotary Club is one of two Rotary clubs in Eden Prairie. 

Our club meets from noon - 1pm on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Thursdays at Tavern 4&5 located at 16396 Wagner Way, Eden Prairie, MN.

We are a part of Rotary District 5950 and Rotary International.

Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch?  

Come as our guest and your first three lunches are on us!

New members will receive free lunches for the first 6 months!

Our guarantee to you is that Rotary will make a difference in your life! If after one year as a Rotarian you do not believe you have made a difference in our community and the world Eden Prairie Noon Rotary will refund your Rotary Club dues.

The only requirements are:

  • Making a difference in people's lives!
  • Having fun and making new friends.


If you have questions, are interested in visiting or joining the club, or if you would you like to speak to our club please contact John Urbanski: jaurbanski@comcast.net, 952-949-0744

We're Rotary - There's No Limit To What We Can Do